
Interactive Event Reception Center 24h On 24

Dead Event Center

Never more thoughts and worries about the proper functioning of your plant!
Forget about changing batteries and system failures! Let’s Think about all of us!

ERD Electronics srl It has a teconologically advanced system consisting of an event reception center and failures from any type of existing system to offer our customers timely intervention and assistance 24 hours on 24, 7 days out of 7.


Plant Maintenance

ERD Electronics srl It offers its customers the possibility to subscribe to medium/long-term maintenance contracts that foresee the periodic verification of the complete functioning of the various systems realized and the eventual restoration/substitution of the arcade Considered as a result of this verification.

In this way the continuity of operation and the effective efficiency of the installed products is guaranteed.

Internal Engineering Study With Technician Enrolled in the Register

ERD Electronics srl It has an internal engineering firm and, thanks to the presence of a technical engineer enrolled in the company, offers the possibility to draw up technical projects also very complex.

24h Service On 24

24h Technical Support

ERD Electronics srl It provides its Customers with an emergency service and full technical assistance 24 hours on 24, 7 days out of 7.

This particular service is included in all in maintenance contracts stipulated in medium/long term and assures to the final Customer an always efficient functionality of the plant.

Equipment Rental

Equipment rental

The satisfaction of its customers has always been a basic prerogative of
ERD Electronics srl.For this reason, the company now offers You a new form of economic facilitation for the payment of Your special plants. Thanks to the renewed convention of our company with the Grenke Group, in fact,
ERD Electronics srl proposes you THE rental Of your plant. A typical example of this new form of payment might be as follows:

  • Package purchased including:
  1. Complete Plant in all its parts
  2. 24h technical assistance Contract and maintenance in Prague.
  3. FULL Warranty on the whole system (materials and manpower for 5 years).

In this case a possible proposal could therefore be a long-term LEASE of 60 months with ransom equal to the last instalment due.

Any doubts? Would You like more information? Contact us!